Bite Splint & Night Guard Care

Your appliance was designed to treat a variety of problems related to your teeth and jaws. It can be used to prevent the wear of your teeth and development of jaw joint problems, and to promote healing and help the muscles – which are in spasm – to relax. The night guard must be worn under the supervision and guidance of your dentist.

Your night guard should fit comfortably on your teeth. If you experience tightness or sore teeth after wearing the night guard for a few hours, please contact our office.

If you wear your bite splint during the day, you initially may experience speech difficulties. Practise reading aloud in front of a mirror with the appliance in your mouth, in order to get used to it.

The bite splint initially may cause an increase in the amount of saliva in your mouth. This will decrease with time.

If you are having jaw joint problems, avoid hard foods and do not chew gum. Try not to clench your teeth.

Keep this appliance clean by brushing it with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Be sure to clean both the inside and outside of the appliance before and after wearing.

Tartar or calculus may build up on your night guard after you have worn it for some time. This can easily be removed by soaking your night guard in white vinegar for 30 to 45 minutes and then brushing with a toothbrush. This should not be done nightly, but every couple of days if needed.

Never adjust your own appliance; however, a sharp edge can be removed with a nail file. If you have any difficulty with the bite splint, please call our office.

If you have been given a prescription for medication, be sure to take it according to the instructions. The medication is designed to work along with your bite splint and to help promote muscle healing.

Once the pain and symptoms have disappeared, do not discard your bite splint. Jaw joint pain and problems may recur if the muscles or jaw joint are strained again. If the problem recurs, please contact our office immediately.

Always bring your bite splint to your dental appointments. If any fillings are placed or adjusted, your bite splint will no longer fit accurately. We can adjust your bite splint to work in harmony with the new restorations. Regular dental care will help to keep the teeth and gums in good shape and better able to withstand the stress and strains imposed upon them.